Archive for May 27th, 2008


Indiana Jones And The Search For More Money

May 27, 2008


Would a judge send me to prison for killing George Lucas?  I would like to see if it’s possible to get away with that murder.

Judge:  “How does the defendant plead?”

My attorney:  “We plead ‘not guilty’, your honor.”

Judge:  “Present your opening argument, counselor.”

My attorney:  “Thank you, your honor.  Members of the jury, my client killed George Lucas.  I admit that.  But in his defense, I would like you all to watch Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull.  The defense rests.”

Judge:  “Excellent argument, counselor.  Case dismissed.”

That’s how I imagine the whole thing would play out.  Once the jury saw the insanity of crystal alien skeletons with psychic powers, flying saucers, bowl-cut Commie bad guys, greaser punks fencing on the back of speeding vehicles, jungle vine swinging with hundreds of CGI monkeys in tow, etc., I’m guessing that not only would I be acquitted of all charges, but I’d be given the damn key to the city.

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